The Dream

I saw the face of the Black Panther and the teeth were bared and the expression was that of pure ferocity. My first reaction was one of fear and fascination. I wanted to reach out and touch it but knew many would advise me it was very unwise.


I considered that for a moment. I knew that it was unique and was here for me and that we knew each other from ancient times past. We shared an effinity for each other that was mutual. I was not afraid of it and felt, "hello old friend" and was comforted. We did not have to speak words because we had a full awareness of each other.


I sensed it as a feminine presence but many felt that due to the intensity of the ferocity manifested, it was a masculine presence. Despite the opinion of the majority, I knew that they misperceived and misinterpreted it.


I recognized it as more (for lack of a better word) the eternal mother whose strength and ferocity lay in her love and care of the young that were hers. The root of this love more powerful than anyone could imagine. And all were hers, she was slow to anger but in defense of those she protected, she was a formidable force unequal to any in the eternal past or future.


I was aware that we knew each other very well and I was glad we were together again in this part of our journey. I also knew that although people were immensely afraid of her force, she also presented as a figure of translucent gold which emitted only kindness, love and nurturing.



Copyright Noel Clark 1997

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